Welcome to the page with the answers to today's (April 14th 2014) clues of The Guardian Quiptic crossword.

Below is the list of all of today's clues (a total of 28 clues). Just click on a clue to get the answer.

Sense a cry could be required (9)
Outlaw plunder at home (5)
Famous European tunnel to the centre of Nantes (7)
Get hold of a group of singers, so we hear (7)
Trotsky could be back for Christmas (4)
Arrange the French people time before and after payment (10)
Exposes beams behind half a gibbet (7)
Type of holiday to fill years (7)
Deeply involved but with head still above water (2,2,2,4)
Without a name, unable to crack down (4)
Spoke quietly to relative, terminally ill in bed (7)
Sad tale about odds of fallen flyer (7)
Admitted that nothing points to first of defendants (5)
Doctors are able to add more information (9)
A Tory gets in no income irregularly, working very occasionally (4,2,1,4,4)
Stress over one dead in car crash, possibly (8)
Begged with face covered but bareheaded (5)
Insensitive time building castles (8)
Dictator implicated in atrocity ran trials (6)
How often might it be modulated? (9)
Compel to help (6)
Pull through, after he turned terribly sick (5,3,7)
Preserve a boy after gun is captured by me (9)
Odd clue I more than half parse wrongly (8)
Unmistakable support for everyone telling us to come out (3,5)
Breaking in starts telling authorities I'm up to no good (6)
Pokes the naked figures displayed round the gallery entrance (6)
Main area of study for an American army officer (5)

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